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Monday 12 May 2014

Dunkin Donuts Fever & Goodie Bag

I have always heard and read of crazy things to do in your 20’s but never thought that I would ever be part of that brigade. But, you never know your tomorrow; so, here is my crazy experience of the launch day of DunkinDonuts and the benefits of my craziness.

The first thing of goodie bag is the Paper bag in which the goodies are kept. After all everything is in this bag, so I thought I should consider it too! 

The goodie bag!

Second, is the mug which is made of porcelain *+1 to you, Dunkin Donuts*. It has 'Dunkin Donuts & more' printed on it. *I own a customized 'Dunkin Donuts' mug. Yahhooo!*

The customised mug

'Dunkin Donuts' on my mug

Third, is the full year FREE donuts offer booklet, where I get a Free donut on the on the purchase of something other than packaged beverages *Pay one, Enjoy two!*. 

'Gimme My Free Donut!' booklet

Coupons for each day

Fourth, the booklet of second offer that offers 50% off for 6 months on the bill. Yes, it is for 6 months as I was 131 in their list. But I am cool, as I have to pay just half of my bill amount. *lovestruck*

50% off offer booklet

Coupons for each day
This is all that I got in the goodie bag. *Happy Me!*

Now comes the crazy part aka behind the scenes.
  • I couldn't sleep the entire night before the launch day. All thanks to my excitement.
  • I was always dreaming about donuts, being the first person on the launch day, getting media attention, blah blah blah… My day dreams were endless.
  • I began to get ready at 4am as it takes approximately 1 hr 15 mins to reach Dunkin Donuts’ Khar outlet from my place, just to realise that people can come in pyjamas too. Trust me, few did come with ‘out of the bed look’. *giggles*
  • Reached at 6:15 just to be 131. *So what! I still got a goodie bag*
  • In excitement, forgot to write the name of my partner in the list and he had to be in the scorching sun while I was enjoying the ambience of Dunkin Donuts. *Poor buddy, stupid me*
  • Almost waited for 3hours and some more minutes to enter the store. *sigh*
  • Fought with heat, leg pain and sleep *Anything for donuts, baby!*

And finally when I got the free donut of my choice; a Dunkin deal for which I paid; and the goodie bag and the offer booklets in it; everything was irrelevant and the effort was worth it. I was on cloud 9 and had a feeling of accomplishment.

Now, I could sleep well for rest of the day.

I would recommend everyone to try such things in their life, age doesn't matter, but what matters is your madness about that thing. Rest all shall fall at place.

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